Imagine Real Change

Social entrepreneurs come from all walks of life.  This diversity of skills and experiences makes the nonprofit sector dynamic, but it also fuels a disparity of access to resources, information and talent.  

Strategic planning, program design and group facilitation services help individuals and groups to assess their community’s needs, share their ideas, consider their options and decide upon the best path to change.

Sustain Real Change

As hard as it is to start a new program or organization, it’s even harder to sustain one. In depth advising, facilitation and technical assistance services are available for social sector leaders working through the stages of project or organizational development.  Services available to diverse organization types -- nonprofit, corporate, government and grassroots organizations.

Capacity building supports focus on resource development, grant writing, quality improvement, evaluation, multi-year planning, financial forecasting and communications.

Invest in Real Change

Foundations and public agencies support programs and nonprofit organizations with a track record of success and impact.  Consultation is available to help public and private investors make decisions about their social investment strategy and initiatives. 

Services include researching socio-economic, health and education issues impacting children and youth; arranging site visits to potential grant recipients; planning and facilitating board and steering committee meetings; and managing processes to review and select grantees.

Core Competencies

  • Community and Systems Change
  • Financial Management and Forecasting
  • Group Development and Facilitation
  • Organizational Development
  • Research and Writing